Asian American Supersite


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Identity Matters, Page 2 of 2
By wchung | 09 Mar, 2025


6. Shared identity issues spark memorable conversations.

What Asian American hasn’t stayed up until the not-so-wee hours baring her soul because the conversation turned to the pitfalls of growing up Asian in America? Sharing identity struggles and epiphanies is the new elevator sex! To cultivate an artificially generic “American” identity is to lose forever those priceless heart-to-heart opportunities.

5. A sense of identity increases meaning and motivation in your life.

Losers discount the meaning and significance of every aspect of their lives. What difference does it make that my parents came from Asia and that I have an Asian face? What do I care whether my ancestral homeland is seen as a third-world backwater or a first-world powerhouse? What difference does it make if other Asian Americans do well? It’s as though they’re always trying to shake off anything that might motivate them to take an interest or make an effort.

Winners, on the other hand, are always trying to add meaning to every aspect of their lives, especially core areas like their origins and identity. They are inspired by the successes of those who share Asian ancestry and cultural heritage. Nothing moves them more than the unimaginably difficult or heroic struggles of the first waves of Asian Americans which laid the groundwork for our rise to the highest reaches of American society.

Anyone who has lived past their thirtieth birthday begins to understand that becoming infected by a sense of disconnection and meaninglessness is the deadliest of diseases. One great way to protect yourself against the dangers of stumbling into that spiritual wasteland is to take an early interest in your Asian American identity. The past century — and the next couple — look to be about the rise in influence and wealth of Asia, Asians and Asian Americans. How inspiring and motivating to see ourselves as part of that global trend! Remember — in the end all that separates the winners from the losers are meaning and motivation.

4. Pride inspires trust.

A professional’s most valuable commodity is the trust of colleagues and clients. Would you trust someone who has no pride in her roots? Consistently showing pride in your Asian heritage lets the world know that you aren’t a flake who sticks up a finger to see which way the wind is blowing. Embracing what you are shows that you are a true blue individual with backbone and character. To those looking to do business with someone they can trust, nothing rocks harder.

3. Authenticity inspires lasting respect.

What you do wins fans. What keeps people around for the long haul is what you are. Distancing yourself from your ethnic and cultural origins is like telling the world that instead of respect for yourself, you have a craving for superficial acceptance from others. That’s a good definition of a phony. What’s to respect?

2. Identity is key to romance and love.

“What’s in a name?” mopes Juliet. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” Tragic little twit! What happened to her and her boyfriend is just a melodramatization of the bad things that happen to all those who put the Love cart before the horse named Identity.

The real tragedy of Juliet and her Romeo is that they rushed into the love thing before they embraced their identities as daughter and son of the Houses of Capulet and Montague, and everything that signifies. There’s no future in a love between a pair of narcissists who see in each other’s eyes mere reflections of themselves. Romance happens when you look at someone and see all her cultural, as well as personal, hotness and richness, and want a piece of it all. So, yeah, start by asking what her Chinese zodiac sign is… and whether in her family even the grown-up kids have to kowtow to elders on Chinese New Years… and so much more!

1. Who wants confused, insecure kids?

When your kids ask what they are, you can tell them they’re just Americans like everyone else and pretend to believe it. Or you can share your experiences growing up Asian American. The first will teach your kids that the way to deal with life is to pretend there are no problems. The second will show that they can share their experiences with you. Which will produce strong secure kids? You decide!